2020 has been a real corker of a year, hasn’t it? I for one will be very glad to see it out the door and am very much looking forward to 2021. But before I do, I want to take a minute and reflect. This year has been tough, but there were some bright spots I’d like to acknowledge and appreciate. Read on for my 2020 lookback!
1. I ran my first half marathon
I have never been much of a runner, but I’ve always wanted to run a half. I achieved that goal in October 2020! Not only did I complete my half marathon, but I also helped raise over $5,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association.

2. I took TWO solo trips
One was to Richmond, VA before the pandemic hit, and the other was a solo hiking trip. I loved getting to experience new parts of the country and taking some time for myself. And I ate a lot of truffle 🙂

3. I said hello to some new friends, and goodbye to a few as well.
Friendships in your 30s are complicated. It’s hard to make new friends (pandemic or not), and it’s hard to figure out which friends aren’t worth keeping. This year I feel like I did a good job fostering important relationships and identifying those that weren’t serving me well.

4. I moved into my own apartment
I found the perfect place in the perfect spot, and it’s all mine! My last batch of roommates were wonderful, and I loved that house, but I’m so glad to have a space of my own.

5. I started dating someone pretty great
Before this year, I just wasn’t really in the mindset to date. I wanted to find a partner, but just the thought of dating was exhausting. But through a few Bumble pen pals and a virtual date or two, I started seeing someone!

6. I picked up some new hobbies, and continued some old
When my old house went our separate ways, I walked away with a bicycle! In the spring and summer, I loved going on long bike rides out to Mt. Vernon and back. I’ve also had a ton of fun baking new treats (like my bee-themed birthday cake), learning how to cross stitch and making my own homemade pasta. I even followed a Bob Ross tutorial on YouTube!

7. I wore a mask, socially distanced, protected those I love and stayed healthy
While I admit that I haven’t been as stringent as my sister, I have followed all the regulations and CDC suggestions during the pandemic. I’m glad I haven’t gotten myself or anyone I know sick, and that the people I surround myself (both virtually and not) with are taking the pandemic seriously.

So yes, I will be glad to see 2020 go, but not before I acknowledge how proud I am of what I accomplished, and how ok it is that I didn’t do more.
What’s something you’re proud of from 2020?