Huntsville Snowpocalypse 2015!

Living in the Tennessee Valley has a lot of perks, but winter weather is not one of them. Growing up in the South, snow days were classified on the scale of awesome days juuust below your birthday. You got to stay home from school and spend it doing the most awesome, once-a-year things. I mean, sledding?! And snowball fights!! I can probably count on my fingers the number of times in my life I’ve done those things. Actually, I’ve only been on a sled once.  To make it even better, the schools would often announce the night before that they were closing the next day, which meant an extra perk of sleeping in.

However, snow didn’t always come. I can’t express the disappointment felt by schoolchildren all throughout the Tennessee Valley when we peeked through the blinds and saw no snow. Devastation. Heartbreak. No sledding, no nothing. Just another cold day.

This year, however, the snow gods delivered. The weather men predicted 3-5 inches of snow at one point, so I began to be hopeful that I would see at least a few flurries. At about 2 pm on Wednesday the big, cotton-y flurries began to fall. Within an hour it was sticking to the ground and our office was told to go home. It didn’t stop snowing until late that night, and by the end we had a whopping 6.5 inches of snow.UNHEARD OF. It was the second snowiest day EVER in Huntsville!

I was giddy all night. I opened the blinds in my apartment just so I could watch the flurries fall while I enjoyed my vegetable soup and porter. However, the joy of the snow day was lessened somewhat by the thought of the hours I would miss the next day and the paycheck I wouldn’t get. Sure, I could have taken a day and really enjoyed it, but ain’t nobody got funds for that. I went in around 11:30 on Thursday and made up the rest of the hours on Saturday. Don’t worry though, I got a few fun snow activities packed in there!

So even though I was still thrilled by the magic of the snow day, I couldn’t help but wish I was eight years old again, raiding my dad’s closet for clothes for the snowman without caring about bills.



  1. March 2, 2015 / 3:46 am

    How in the world are the school kids going to make up for all the time they’ve lost this year?! Great photos – especially Maple Hill 🙂 Sounds like we need to keep an eye on the weather situation again in a couple days…

      March 2, 2015 / 3:23 pm

      Seriously? Ugh, I’m so ready for Spring, although I guess we’ll still get those April Showers…