How to Make a Sick Day Suck Less

There’s no avoiding it- when it finally starts to cool down here in Alabama, I inevitably come down with what I’ve termed “the funk.” It usually starts with feeling really tired and slightly achey with a headache or possible sore throat. The next morning- full-fledged funk. Obviously feeling sick sucks, but I’m sharing a few of the things that help me get through it without wanting to cry (too much).

Wear Cosy Clothes

Katie in red pajamas

You bettuh believe that if I’m staying home from work sick, I’m wearing the most comfortable clothes possible. Seeing as it’s near the holidays, I have been obsessed with this Gilligan and O’Malley red pajama set. Finding winter PJs is always a struggle for me. I like my bedroom cold and my blankets heavy, so super warm, flannel PJs are often too hot for me at night, but then shorts are usually too cool (#diva). These PJs are perfect- they are a long sleeve, button-up set with pants that is made out of a super comfy, slightly stretchy material. I love the black trim and the pocket, which is just the right size for my next item.

Use Tissues with Lotion

Katie in bed with tissue

Puffs Plus tissue

Being sick is no fun, and the dry, raw nose you get during a cold is just adding insult to injury. The type of tissue I always reach for is one with added lotion. I find they are gentler and more soothing than just your run of the mill tissue. I like the Puffs Plus brand, due mostly to the quality of the product but also a little bit because of the cute patterns on the boxes.

Take Advil and Airborne

Advil and Airborne

Like I said, headaches are pretty common during my funk. I can’t decide what part of being sick I hate more- the headaches or the body aches. Either way, I take an Advil and I start to feel better quick! I am also a big fan of Airborne. My favorite variety is the chewable orange flavor because there is no water needed and they taste pretty good! I try to stave off the funk when I feel the first little bit of it by taking an Airborne, and I honestly think it makes a difference in how long my cold lasts.

Try a Ginger Shot

Kor wellness ginger shot

I had heard some people (coughcelebrities) talk about the wonder of ginger shots, but I didn’t put much stock in them until recently. I had a cold I just couldn’t kick and was getting desperate, so I stopped by Whole Foods and picked up a Kor Wellness shot. Y’all. It worked! I felt about a million times better the very next day. I suggested one to my mom when she was feeling sick, and she swears by them too now!

Stay Hydrated!

S'well water bottle
Katie in bed with water bottle

You don’t need me to tell you that hydration is super important when you’re sick because you’re smart and you already know that. Instead, I’ll tell you how to stay hydrated in style! I can’t get enough of my S’Well water bottle. It keeps my water cold for SO long, which is a life saver when the idea of getting out of bed for fresh water is enough to make you burst into tears. There are tons of different designs on these bottles, so you’ll definitely find one that speaks to you. When I saw this bee one, I knew it had to come home with me.

Bigelow Orange and Spice tea

When it comes to warm beverages, tea is my go-to when I’m sick. Normally I drink coffee, but when I’m sick I crave tea. Some of my favorites are the Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Camomile, any kind of peppermint tea, and this Bigelow Orange and Spice tea. I wouldn’t say no to an Earl Gray either…

Stay Entertained

Katie in bed with a book
Netflix on laptop

I know it can be tempting to work from home when you’re sick, but don’t! Seriously, your body is telling you to chill for a reason. When I’m not sleeping, I love reading and binge-watching some Netflix shows. The book I’m reading right now is called  Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, and so far I really like it. It’s a New York Times best-seller AND the author grew up in Huntsville! As far as Neflix shows, some of my favorites recently have been Black Mirror, Glitch, Spotless, The Killing, River, Wallander, Hinterland… can you tell I love crime drama?

Cuddle Something

Katie cuddling Luna the puppy
Katie cuddling Luna the puppy

I can’t tell you how much better I feel after a good cuddle with my puppy Luna. She really doesn’t sit still all that often during a normal day, but she has this weird sense of “Momma doesn’t feel well” on sick days and it’s just the best. If you don’t have a puppy, cuddle your kitty! If you don’t have a kitty, cuddle a stuffed animal! You’ll feel so much better!

What are your go-to ways to feel better when you’re sick? P.S. Drink lots of orange juice this winter!




  1. Hayley Rubery
    December 4, 2016 / 9:58 am

    Great post lady! Being ill really does SUCK, but I always use it as an excuse to give my body some R&R, I’ll have a nice hot bath, put on some fluffy PJS and binge watch Netflix. Using tissue with lotion is a great tip as my nose always gets so sore when I’m ill.. *sob.

    Hayley xo

    • December 4, 2016 / 10:44 pm

      Oh a bubble bath is a great idea!! Definitely good for achey sick bodies.

  2. December 5, 2016 / 1:55 pm

    I wish we had chewable pills for headaches in the UK, they sound much more appealing than swallowing big pills. Lotion tissues sound good too!

    Tia | The 10am Blog

  3. December 6, 2016 / 12:56 pm

    Awww, your water bottle is adorable! It’s easier to drink when it’s pretty!
    Totally agree about cuddling! 🙂

    Laura |

    • December 6, 2016 / 2:12 pm

      Thanks Laura! Puppy cuddles are the best 🙂

  4. December 6, 2016 / 2:46 pm

    Such a helpful post for the start of the season! I hate being sick, but these tips are actually pretty useful. I’ve never heard of ginger shots before. I’m going to keep that in mind for next time 🙂

    Fariha |

    • December 7, 2016 / 9:52 am

      Thank you Fariha! Ginger shots are the BEST!