5 Reasons You Should ABSOLUTELY Get a Dog

I’ve always been more of a dog person than a cat person. Growing up we had both, but I definitely enjoyed the presence of our dogs while my sister was the resident cat-lover. So it was no surprise that in my twenties I began playing with the idea of adopting a dog. Being me, a classic over-thinker, I agonized over this decision for YEARS. I made pro and con lists (pros: dogs are amazing etc., cons: dogs cost money etc.), took quizzes online about which breed of dog fit my personality best, and talked myself in and out of this decision over and over again. And then, one day, I just did it. I went to an adoption event, fell in love, and the rest is history! Of course there have been ups and downs, but I can genuinely say that my quality of life increased dramatically after I took Luna home. If you’re trying to convince yourself (or someone else), here are the top 5 reasons to get a dog, speaking from my experience.

1. It’s never going to be “the right time.”

My biggest sticking points on my pro/con lists were things like “I don’t have enough time” and “Now’s just not a good time.” I felt like I worked all day, came home to cook dinner, clean, do a hobby, and then fall asleep. I believed I was way too busy. But then a girlfriend of mine told me that it would never be the “right” time, and that I would make time once I had a little creature I was responsible for. She was so right. I started coming home for longer lunch breaks to walk her, which meant that I got home a little later, but I got used to that. Instead of reading on the couch, I would read at the dog park. Now I take her on walks to the grocery store to kill two birds with one stone. I made time, and you can, too!

2. It will increase your activity.

Unless you live in a place with a huge, fenced-in backyard, you’ll have to take your dog on a walk at least twice a day. For me, that meant getting my heart rate up two more times a day than I had been previously. Now I find that I really love walking with Luna, especially through parts of town I’ve never seen before. And who knows, you may even start running with your dog! I’ve resorted to that a few times when Luna has been insane and I needed her to get some of that energy out.

5 Reasons You Should ABSOLUTELY Get a Dog | Katie Actually

3. You will become more social.

Even if you don’t actively try to, you will. People love dogs (rightly so) and will stop you to talk about your dog all the time. Your dog will sniff other dogs on the street, and it’s just weird to ignore the owner when that happens. You’ll find you have something in common with all kinds of people, and you can find something to talk about with other dog owners. And if you take your dog to the dog park, you’ll find that they have very strong communities. One time I was at the dog park and we had a surprise first birthday party for one of the pups there, complete with cake! Luna was beside herself.

4. You’ll become more responsible.

If keeping plants alive was a sign of how I’d do with a dog, I’d be doomed. Fortunately, that’s not the case. Dogs let you know when they need something, thank goodness. And trust me, you’ll love your little nugget so much that you’ll want to do everything you can to give them the best life ever. For example, I wake up early, even on the weekends, because I need to let Luna out and feed her. That for me means I don’t stay up as late as I used to, which is a good thing! There is a lot of responsibility that comes with owning a dog, but it doesn’t seem like work at all. In no time, you’ll be seamlessly juggling the heartworm pills, the walks, the meals, the training, and the socialization with one hand tied behind your back.

5. Dogs increase your joy.

I literally can’t put into words how wonderful it is to come home to Luna’s wiggly butt and excited licks. And the excitement is mutual! Frequently I find myself in a funk and just thinking, “I’ll go home and hang out with Luna” instantly makes me feel better. Dogs love you unconditionally, and you will always feel wanted. Some of the best things in the world are my morning snuggles with Luna before I have to officially get up, and watching her weird little quirks makes my heart feel like it’s bursting. Your dog will be your ride or die, and you will get SO much love out of how much you put in.

5 Reasons You Should ABSOLUTELY Get a Dog | Katie Actually

There are 394820348230 reasons to get a dog, but these are some of the ones that I can say will be 100% true for most people. Obviously there will be some ups and downs (like when my little butthead ripped up the linoleum in my kitchen), but overall your life will become better in so many ways.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll be happy to give you (or your parents/partner/roommate) more reasons!


  1. August 10, 2018 / 7:10 am

    Aww this is such a lovely post! I’m getting a puppy next month and I’m so excited. I haven’t had a dog in my life since three years ago but I’m so ready for it x

    Lauren | itslaurenvictoria.co.uk

    • August 10, 2018 / 12:27 pm

      Ah that’s so amazing Lauren! Congrats!! Dogs are the best and your life is about to get so much better 🙂