How To NOT Be a Cranky Biotch

I’m a girl from the suburbs living in a big city, and a lot of the time, that irritates me. Metro delays, crowds, traffic, and oh did I mention Metro delays can put me in a funk sometimes before I even reach the office. Now I am by no means proclaiming to be a level-headed guru here, but I’ve found a few things that help me when I start to get irritable. Read on to see how I prevent myself from being a cranky biotch!

1. Breathe

When you start to feel yourself getting ready to snap, start focusing on your breathing. This will do a couple things. First, more oxygen to the brain is never a bad thing. Second, focusing on your breathing will put your attention on yourself, instead of what’s making you angry. And finally, taking a second to breathe can keep you from spitting out something you may regret. Think about how many times you’ve snapped at someone and immediately wished you hadn’t. Sometimes, that few extra seconds is all it takes to may you reconsider your snide remark.

2. Take a step back

One time I was on the metro on the way to work and found myself getting annoyed with a bunch of tourists being loud and in the way. When I took a step back and realized what I was getting annoyed at, I realized how stupid it was. These people were on vacation, not trying to be annoying, and talking loudly because they were excited to see the monuments. I’ve probably been that person before. By really thinking about why you’re getting annoyed, you can start to realize that what’s irritating you may not really be that irritating.

3. White noise

Ever hear of misophonia? It’s a syndrome where little noises, often specific noises, can just set you OFF. It’s a real thing- Google it! I was convinced for a while that I had it, because little noises like my neighbor’s dog barking would drive me to rage. If you are screaming at your computer “YES THAT’S ME” then white noise is your answer. I have both a white noise app (Sleep Pillow) and a white noise machine (the Wave Premium Sleep Therapy Sound Machine) and they are both life savers. If my coworker’s pen tapping is making me want to pull my hair out, I just pop in my earphones and I’m set. I can’t recommend white noise enough.

4. Figure out what’s not in your hands

One of the biggest causes of stress in my life these past few weeks has been the Metro. They are doing major renovations all over town, which means that trains come less frequently (or sometimes not at all depending where you are), and are usually more crowded. It’s a mess. But there’s nothing I can do about it. Try reminding yourself that in situations like this, worrying won’t make the trains go any faster. Instead of stressing and getting your panties in a twist, focus on what you do have control over and go from there.

How To NOT Be a Cranky Biotch | Katie Actually

5. Adapt and overcome

One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone complains about something but isn’t doing anything to fix the issue. If something has gone wrong or is bothering you, don’t dwell on it for too long. Figure out how to move forward, and take those actions. For example, one time a friend was running late for a brunch date. I got annoyed that we may miss our reservation, so I stewed for a while. And then I realized wait, there’s nothing I can do to make her get here faster. What I can do is go in to the restaurant and ask if we can push our reservation, or offer to sit at the bar. It wasn’t a big deal, my friend got there, and we had a great brunch. Maybe mimosas helped, too… but still!

While these tips have certainly helped me, not everyone is the same. See if any of these methods work for you, and hopefully you’ll be on your way to a less stressful day in no time!