Oh, hi! It’s been a while, huh? Since the last time I posted, I moved to a new neighborhood, switched jobs, got a promotion at that job, took a few trips, and got engaged! Hard to believe that all that was packed into the past couple years.
So why am I back now? The truth is, I’ve missed posting! It’s such a nice creative outlet for me to put pen to paper (or I guess fingers to keyboard) and let my thoughts spill out, and I do actually love taking photos.
Since I’m a few years older, if not particularly wiser, I may switch up what I post about a little bit. You’ll still see recommendations for things I’ve bought and loved, or fun recipes/projects to try, but you’ll also see more local content, brain dumps, and maybe even some writing content 👀
On that note, let me catch you up! Or introduce myself if this is your first time here!
I’m Katie! I’m in my mid-thirties, living in Alexandria, VA, just outside of Washington, D.C. I’m currently engaged, and we’ve set a date for September of this year (!!). In addition to my fiancé, I also live with two dogs: Bodie the 4-year-old, 90lb shepherd mix, and Luna the 8-year-old, 20lb terrier mix. They are the best things in the world, and the cause of most of my headaches. I have a corporate job that I work 9-5, and we’ve just started going back 3 days a week, so expect to hear me complain about that.
I’ve bounced around a little bit before landing here- raised in Huntsville, Alabama; went to college in Nashville, Tennessee; studied abroad in Christchurch, New Zealand for a year; went to grad school in Durham, England and then finally made my way up to the DMV (that’s DC, Maryland, Virginia).
A fun fact about me is that I got two degrees in archaeology, and worked full-time as the director of a private archaeological lab before I switched careers into marketing a few years ago. My love of history means that I can’t help but act like an Old Town Alexandria tour guide any time someone visits me- I’ve even got the backwards walk down.
Thanks for reading, and I’m actually SO excited to be back. I hope you read along, and connect with me on my social channels for quicker snapshots into what I’m up to!
xoxo Katie