My Favorite iPhone Apps

We’ve all experienced that terrible moment. Realizing something that makes your heart drop into your stomach and your soul feel like part of it is missing. I am, of course, talking about that excruciating discovery of being somewhere without your phone. This is all said in jest, obviously, but part of it comes from a place of truth! In this age of smartphones, our cell phones are used for much more than calling AAA when you have a flat tire or texting your husband to ask if he’ll swing by the grocery store on the way home. These little boxes are planners, scrapbooks, maps, televisions, financial advisers, and so much more. In this post, I’m going to share a few of my favorite iPhone apps that I’ve used to transform my humble cell phone into something akin to a personal assistant.

My favorite iphone apps

1. Latergramme

Screen shot of Latergramme
Latergramme is a photo scheduling app that makes posting to Instagram so much easier. I use Hootsuite for Twitter and Facebook, but they didn’t have Instagram until recently. I still haven’t tried out their Instagram feature, but for now I’m happy with Latergramme. Basically, you upload a photo to the app, write the caption, and then schedule it to post whenever you want. When it comes time for it to post, Latergramme alerts you, and you open the photo in Instagram from the Latergramme app and post it. This helps prevent the “no posts for a week and then 238402 posts in a row” debacle. Ps, if you want to keep up with my Latergramme-d posts, follow me on Instagram at @katiemw11!

2. Sleep Pillow

Screenshot of Sleep Pillow

I’m fairly sure I have this thing called Misophonia. Basically, I get ridiculously annoyed by certain noises- so much so that it nearly drive me into a fit of rage.  I know, it sounds crazy, but look it up! I downloaded this app after a co-worker contracted a little cough that turned into a nervous habit. I couldn’t handle it. However, this white noise app helped to drown out those little coughs and I was able to make it through the day without slapping anyone. There are a few options, but I found the rain and the storm tracks were the best.

3. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal screenshot

MyFitnessPal is a calorie and nutrition tracker that is FREE and amazing. Their database of foods is huge, and you can even look up recipes by the recipe number. You can also input the water you drink and the exercise you do. My mom, who is a superstar, lost almost 40 pounds with the help of this app! While I haven’t been as good recently about entering my food and exercise, I still love this tool!

4. 1 Second Every Day

1 second every day screenshot

Last January, I saw a Facebook friend had posted a video compilation of one second every day of the last year and thought it was so cool. While mine won’t be as exciting as hers (she had a baby), I still think it’s a super cute idea! I’ve missed a few days here and there, but I’ve been pretty good for the most part. I can’t wait to see the final video! I’ll be posting it on my YouTube channel in January 2016!

5. Periscope

Periscope Screenshot


I have totally fallen in love with Periscope over the past few weeks. If you’ve never heard of it, Periscope is a live-streaming app. You can stream videos yourself, or you can just tune in to Periscopers all over the world. There is a chat option for viewers, so you can ask questions and talk with the people you’re watching. I just love the fact that I can open the app and see what people are up to in Italy at that exact moment! The jury’s still out on whether this is helping or exacerbating my wanderlust…

What are some of your favorite apps?

xoxo Katie