New Year’s Resolutions 2016

Happy 2016 everyone!! My 2015 was a big year for me, but I have a feeling that 2016 is going to be even bigger. Even-numbered years seem to be better than odd-numbered years in my family, so I’m optimistic. I only have a few resolutions this year, but I thought I would share them with you!

  1. Focus on eating healthier and exercising more.

    This is far from an original resolution, but it’s a big one for me. I always trick myself into thinking I’m eating healthy if I have a salad for lunch (followed by pizza and beer for dinner), and I definitely don’t exercise enough. I want to improve my physical strength and endurance, and hopefully lose about 10 pounds. It’s not so much about losing the weight for me, but if it happens, great!

  2. Grow my blog and YouTube channel.

    It will have been one year since I started Katie Actually in February, and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings! I want to improve my content, take better photos, and grow my audience. I’m excited to delve deeper into the blogger/youtuber community and hope you’ll come along with me!

  3. Read more.

    I have been slacking SO HARD on reading. I love curling up with a good book, but I’ve grown so lazy. It’s much easier to veg out in front of the TV than to exercise my brain with a book. I’m going to focus more this year on tackling one of my bucket list items and try to read a few books from the BBC top 100.

  4. Take a trip somewhere new!

    I’ve been itching for an adventure recently. There are so many places I’ve never been and things I’ve never seen, and I want to travel while I can! I haven’t decided where I want to go, but I’m sure you’ll see it here on Katie Actually and also on my YouTube channel when I do!

What are some of your resolutions this year?

xoxo Katie



  1. January 4, 2016 / 5:09 pm

    Love the resolutions post. I think reading more is a excellent idea, I always make time to read things online but never open an actual book. Going to check out the top 100 books your choosing from and see what I find 🙂

    Good luck. Aimee X

    • January 4, 2016 / 6:58 pm

      Thanks Aimee! I’m like you- if I read as much in books as I did online, I’d have finished that list years ago!

  2. January 15, 2016 / 4:47 pm

    Great resolutions! I like the look of your first resolution – I think the reason we all struggle with it is because we make it too unachievable! Whereas you’ve set smaller targets to make the resolution more successful.

      January 18, 2016 / 7:30 am

      Thank you! Yes, I definitely agree that smaller targets are key!